Burger King Club BK

eCRM campaign for parents and kids

Wunderman/DesignKitchen was approached to pitch an alternative to Burger King's birthday direct mail program, the outcome was a complete Kid's program with an eCRM that informed parents of their kids’ online achievements, and a mythos with an expansive world to explore. We added value by extending monthly properties online, and driving parents and kids back in store. The immersive world of Club BK came to life with original characters and storytelling, avatars, online games, in-store signage, toys, cups, bags and crowns.

My role - Creative Director, Creative Lead

ECD - Scott Yanzy
Account Lead - Michelle Pieroni
ADs - Greg Calvert, Derek Dietrich-Muller
Development Lead - David Ham
Motion - Colby Capes
Agency - Wunderman/DesignKitchen

During the life of the program we averaged over 30,000 registrations per month, with over a million users – split male and female, and more than 45 million page views.


Public hub and shops inside "Brian the Spaceship"

A complete brandscape to bring the world to life

Kids are introduced to a rich world of characters that are used as a framework for telling engaging stories.

We enabled kids to express themselves and customize every aspect of their play and unique Club BK avatar – hair, eyes, clothing, animated emotes, pets and other features could be equipped or traded with friends. Kids could virtually congregate in the Club BK public hub, "Brian the Spaceship", where they could start quests and maintain their own unique cabin. Brian also allowed us a place to house shops, where users could purchase unique items with "Crowns" earned in games and quests, and unique spaces like a movie theater to show movie trailers.


"Gustev" story access point

Monthly integration of kids properties

Every month we extended the Kid’s Meal experience with codes on toys, cups and bags to unlock partner experiences in the Club BK universe.

Codes would unlock items to customize your avatar and cabin, minigames, puzzles, and quests to go on with freinds. Monthly content installments with partners included Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, Crayola, Nintendo, Hasbro, Marvel and NASCAR to name a few.


A complete social system for kids

The user experience consisted of a point-and-click controlled avatar, interchangeable emotes, and the “Communicator” that enabled social interaction. 

The Communicator allowed kids to teleport around the world, manage friends, initiate chats, customize their avatars, and get messages about quests. It was also a place to speak to the players from the point of view of the "Professor”, a character created as a guide for the gameworld.

"RadRocks" public event space

In-game philanthropic activation

During the program we had opportunities to enable the community to show their support and learn about events that affected people around the world.

Working with Feeding America and the American Red Cross we helped build awareness about child hunger and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, among others. Kids could "donate" Crowns earned in games or from trading and selling items to show their support and learn about critical world events from new characters.